miercuri, 9 iunie 2010

If I were ..

If I were a month, I’d be November!

If I were a day of the week, I’d be Sunday!

If I were a time of day, I’d be Twilight!

If I were a season, I’d be the Summer !

If I were a planet, I’d be Earth !

If I were an animal, I’d be the Tiger!

If I were a direction, I'd be the point on which the directions are decided !

If I were a piece of furniture, I’d be a bed !

If I were a liquid, I’d be water!

If I were a tree, I’d be a cane!

If I were a tool, I’d be nail clipper !

If I were an element, I’d be the air!

If I were a gemstone, I’d be Diamond!

If I were a musical instrument, I’d be guitar!

If I were a color, I’d be turqouise !

If I were an emotion, I’d be love !

If I were a fruit, I’d be a cherry !

If I were a sound, I’d be the music !

If I were a car, I’d be a BMW!

If I were food, I’d be potatoes !

If I were a taste, I’d be bittersweet !

If I were a scent, I’d be nice parfume !

If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be with heels !

If I were a bird, I’d be a sparrow !

If I were a Fast bowler, I’d be the best!

 :x Great, I had fun! ^^

marți, 18 mai 2010

A hot survey :X

Heiia guys. I just stared to watch 'The Vampire Diaries' because my friend, Ileana, recomanded it to me. And i`m like, OMG! First I thought that`s just a fake from Twilight, or something like this, but is better! Much better! And Damon, he`s so fuckinnnnnn` hott !!! omfg, he`s just .. perfect.
So I thought about doing a survey with the hottest guys in tv series. I chose Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl) and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries:). Please vote your favourite! :x My chose is Damon, despite I love Chuck too. <333333


(on the subject of himself)
I'm the most dangerous thing you're ever likely to encounter in your life.

(on the subject of Elena giving in to him)
ELENA; I'd rather cut my throat.
DAMON; An intriguing thought. But I can do it so much more enjoyably.

(seeing Elena and Stefan's reunion)
Very touching. Do you want me to imitate a violin?

 (on and to Elena)
I told Stefan from the beginning that he was selfish not to share you. Brothers should share things, you know.

(on the subject of joining Katherine)
KATHERINE; I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm sorry.
DAMON; Katherine?
DAMON; Katherine...
KATHERINE; Yes, Damon?
DAMON; Go to hell.

(on himself)
I am more dangerous than you can possibly imagine.

STEFAN; Do you want to get caught, Damon?
DAMON; I am never caught, little brother.

(with Elena)
ELENA; Where's Stefan?
DAMON; Stefan who?

(mocking Stefan on the subject of Elena)
DAMON; I only did it because I wanted to be close to you. Brothers should be close.

(to Elena)
Don't you be as stupid as my brother is. Or I might have to treat you the same way.


I watched that beautiful, capricious smile with a feeling of sorrow for what Damon might have been.

STEFAN'S(beside Damon and to Elena).
If you're looking for evil, you don't have to look very far.

Damon was a strange guy. But gorgeous. Definitely gorgeous


Serena: Oh my God, this is so good!
Chuck: Well if you're looking for a way to thank me, I've got a couple ideas...
Serena: It's a sandwich, Chuck.

Nate: She's right, Serena. I mean, none of us are saints.
Blair: [looks at Chuck] Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.
Chuck: Several times.
Nate: [looks at Serena] I had sex with you, at a wedding while I was her date.
Nate: [looks at Chuck] Once.
Blair: [looks at Chuck]
Chuck Bass: I'm Chuck Bass.

Chuck: You watch your back. No one uses Chuck Bass.

Chuck: Poor Daniel... so little time, so many sluts to defend...

Blair: Isn't there someone else you can torture?
Chuck: Probably but I choose you.

Chuck:Have sex with me (to Blair)Blair:You're disgusting and I hate youChuck:Then why are you still holding my hand.

Blair: What took you so long?
Chuck: If you thought that was long, you have no idea what you're in for.

 Chuck: I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen.


So, tell me your option! See yaa! ^^

sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010

Wishing of my own wishes.

I wish that one day I could walk on water. Or I`ll fly, or I`ll read minds, or maybe predict the future. `Till then, all I`ve got are wishes. Wishing that we will live hapilly ever after, or that I`ll die in his arms, or mybe i will discover some importants shits. Who knows, maybe I`ll be a star, with a lot of crazy fans. I`ll be just as strongs as the tables from Vegas that I dance on, or the drinks that I drink. I will take the first taxi that comes when I walk alone, at night, on the streets from the Upper East Side. Maybe I will be the one who`ll stop the warm warning; the one who will help the people and the animals. And maybe, but just maybe, they will find a place for me in Hevean, somewhere.

Wishing of my own wishes.

vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Alta piesa jucata in spatele cortinei.

Off, ce mai zi, era aproape 9 seara, extenuata si satula de tot am insfacat lesa cainelui si m-am expediat la o plimbare lunga si linistitoare afara. Nemachiata, nepieptanata si imbracata cu primele haine gasite, ma plimbam sictirita pe Titulescu, cand se intampla. Ma trezesc cu o mana pe spate, si ma intorc derutata. Era EL, el .. Inima mi s-a oprit in loc, iar dupa o secunda cat o infinitate, incepu din nou sa bata intr-un ritm nebunesc.

  Apoi, ca dintr-o basm, aud "Te iubesc!". Nu puteam sa cred ce-mi auzeau urechile .. Nu ma asteptasem niciodata la macar un "buna" de la el. In acele momente, mii de scenarii mi-au strabatut mintea : era o gluma, visam ori .. ce data era?! .. nu mai stiam unde sunt, cum ma cheama, cine sunt .. si daca chiar ar fi simtit asta, putea sa-mi zica mult timp inainte .. i-am dat sanse! 
"Te joci cu mine!"  
Nu mai situ daca am zis cu adevarat asta, dar mintea mea numai la asta se gandea. Voi cadea din nou in capcana, crezandu-l?! As fi aut noroc sa visez tot acesc scenariu, dupa cum ma stiam pe mine. Dar se intampla .. se intampla cu adevarat! 
  Atunci mi-am dat seama. De cat timp taceam?! O sa ma creada o ciudata, macar sa ingan un "aa". Am lasat capul in jos, ocolindu-i ochii patrunzatori atintiti asupra mea. Dar cea se intampla cu mine? .. vroiam sa zic ceva, sa-i raspund, dar limba-mi inclestase in gura. Practic, amutisem. Amutisem in fata puterii primei mele iubiri.
  M-am uitat la el, speriata de fiorul ce-mi strabatea corpul, cand l-am vazut ca se apropia, se apropia din ce in ce mai tare. Si apoi a urmat sarutul, exact ca in filme, exact cum imi dorisem mereu sa se intample. Era prea teatral, totul era fals. Aveam tot ce imi dorisem veodata, chiar acolo, sarutandu-ma, si cu toate astea ce lipsea?
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